Monday 21 July 2014

Cinnamon-maca buckwheat pancakes:

Simple things are often the most beautiful. Like this stack, holy dooley. I love pancakes, extravagant or not, but I am going to be eating more stacks like this, fresh and tasty as hell.

I found figs! So I had to make a perfect pancake stack to celebrate my fig findings. And this was just that, perfect (if I do say so myself hehe)


1/2 cup buckwheat flour (I love buckwheat flour in pancakes, I love the flavour and texture, but if you use a different flour please be aware you may need to adjust the quantities of other ingredients!) 
1 tsp baking powder/ soda 
1 tbsp maca powder (optional, or as much as you like) 
1 as ripe as possible mashed banana (I just started a new banana for decoration purposes, the more banana in the pancakes the better in my opinion) 
1 tsp vanilla extract or fresh vanilla if you have it 
2 flax or chia eggs (2 tbsp flax/ chia to 6 tbsp water) (tip: it's best to make these at least half an hour before, or even the night before if possible but yolo moments are acceptable… just aim for half an hour minimum ;) ) 
1/2 cup almond milk/ any dairy free milk 
1 tbsp sweetener, if desired (coconut sugar, agave, maple etc.) 
A bucket load of cinnamon… literally, go get your bucket hehe 


Combine all dry ingredients (I'm looking at you flour, baking powder/ soda, maca powder and cinnamon) and mix. Then add all wet ingredients and mix them too(your turn milk, "eggs", sweetener, vanilla). Mash your banana, and stir through also until everything is combined quite nicely! 

Heat a pan with oil of choice (I lurveeee the coconut oil) and cook pancakes one by one (thick and fluffyyyy) until all done. Then stack em up and enjoy with toppings of choice! 

As you can see I enjoyed mine with coyo, fig, banana, coconut chips and yummy ginger syrup, but they are so versatile you could go fruity or decadent and rich and it wouldn't matter, it's all amazing! 


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