Saturday 19 July 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookie Pancakes

Chocolate Chip Cookie pancakes:

You know the chocolate chip cookies you buy or make and you take a bit out of the first one and your teeth sink and your heart melts as the chocolate chips, still warm, melt in your mouth and you sigh. You know that feeling? That is my favourite type of chocolate chip cookie feeling.

And these pancakes pretty much mimicked that for me. I am a HAYUGE pancake person, like seriously, I can't not eat pancakes if they are available to me, be it breakfast lunch or dinner. And these ones were a real treat. And not even hard to make! That's the fun bit ;)

AND 100% vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free, contain 1 serve of fruit in JUST THE PANCAKES alone and tasty as hell. No need to justify eating, but if you want a stack of pancakes that taste like heaven and hell at the same time AND you don't feel queasy after, head to these bad boys. Plant power, I tell you. Works wonders.

ONTO THE RECIPE that will change your life.


1/2 cup buckwheat flour (I love buckwheat flour in pancakes, I love the flavour and texture, but if you use a different flour please be aware you may need to adjust the quantities of other ingredients!) 
1 tsp baking powder/ soda 
1 tbsp maca powder (optional, or as much as you like) 
1 as ripe as possible mashed banana (I just started a new banana for decoration purposes, the more banana in the pancakes the better in my opinion) 
1 tsp vanilla extract or fresh vanilla if you have it 
2 flax or chia eggs (2 tbsp flax/ chia to 6 tbsp water) (tip: it's best to make these at least half an hour before, or even the night before if possible but yolo moments are acceptable… just aim for half an hour minimum ;) ) 
1/2 cup almond milk/ any dairy free milk 
1 tbsp sweetener, if desired (coconut sugar, agave, maple etc.) 

For the sauce, I used a mixture of: 
Mayvers cacao PB melted with, 
Loving earth coconut oil 


Mix the flour, baking powder and maca powder in a big bowl. Add the mashed banana, vanilla extract, "eggs", milk and sweetener and mix with the dry ingredients. Finally, add the cacao nibs and mix until everything is combined. And thennnnnnnnn in the pan get some heat going on with some oil of choice (I love coconut oil to the death) and then begin putting mixture in bit by bit to form deliciousness that is pancakes, make em nice and thick and fluffy and stack em up! 

In a small pot, whenever you want (before or after pancakes or during if you're super smart) heat as much cacao PB as you want (I did about half a jar baha) and some coconut oil, and melt down that PB until it forms a consistency that you love, then remove from heat. 

Back to the pancakes. Stack em up nice and tall, pop some coconut milk yoghurt on top if you like (I like), pour dat cacao PB sauce on top, with some fresh nana on top and bottom flanking those delicious pancakes like body guards, and a sprinkle of whatever else you fancy (I love blend co… if you haven't tried it, I do recommend, plus it's super good for your skin and it makes me smile) 

And then Bob's your uncle… which is Australian slang for EAT THE PANCAKES I think haha :P

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing! Only 1 problem though- they keep crumpling up when I try to flip them as they aren't solid enough to hold their shape, yet are still very much cooked through on the hot side. Any tips?
