Monday 9 June 2014

Introducing… Me!

Hi there! Welcome to my crib.

My name is Chelsea, and I'm a 19 year old dancer from Australia, who loves her food because it allows me to thrive and to be my best self. You are what you eat, you only get out what you put in… I feel like that those kinds of sayings succinctly explain how I feel.

I'm a gluten-free vegan who loves to eat nutritious, delicious and energy providing food that not only looks great but tastes great. I like to eat in abundance and variety, as much as I possibly can. I certainly don't let my coeliac disease or my ethical vegan choice hold me back nutritionally.

Food isn't my life, after all, the saying does go "Eat to live, do not live to eat". But I believe that if you want to live the most fulfilled life, you need to fuel the vessel you're living in. Being a dancer, I have to eat well in order to perform at my best.

I don't believe in diets, I don't believe in any way of eating that you couldn't do for the rest of your life. So that means no juice fasts, no lemon juice detoxes, no cutting out food groups. It means eating what you want, when you want and as much as you want. It means listening to your body. It means trusting your body. Honour it. Nurture it. Love it.


  1. Love your thoughts! Keep up the good work!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Chelsea. I know you probably don't remember me, but we went to Moreton Bay together (you graduated when I was in grade nine, I think - we were in vocal point).
    Anyway, I discovered your instagram through a friend (Emmie) who lives in Melbourne. I generally stay away from the instagram/tumblr food scene, because I find it very difficult...
    I've had anorexia for two years now (shocking, after what I looked like the last time you saw me, I know...) and obviously "clean/raw/healthy" eating can be at times disordered, and something I tried to do many a time to hide my tiny portion sizes.
    But I want to thank you for eating beautiful, nourishing food - and enough of it - and proving that it's possible to be beautiful and healthy. Your ability to not condone diets or fasting, and just live your life and enjoy food is so inspiring to me, and looking at your meals has really helped my recovery.
    I doubt you remember me, so it probably doesn't mean much, but I wanted to say thank you, and that I'm proud of you.
    Georgia Collings
